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Change Registered Office Address

Change Registered Office Address

Need for a Registered Office

Every limited company and limited liability partnership (LLP) is legally required to have a registered office address. This address is used for correspondence with Companies House, HMRC, and other official bodies.

What is a Registered Office Address?

A registered office address is an official correspondence address for a company or LLP. It is the address where legal documents can be served, and where official correspondence is sent.

Changing Your Registered Office Address

You can change your registered office address at any time as long as the new address remains within the same part of the UK in which your company or LLP is registered.

To change your registered office address, you need to:
  1. Complete form AD01 and send it to Companies House.
  2. Update your company's or LLP's records at Companies House.
  3. Inform HMRC of your new registered office address.

It is important to keep your registered office address up to date. If you change your registered office address, you must notify Companies House, HMRC, and any other relevant bodies.
